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Написать отзыв на фильм на английском

Nurdavlet Bakenov Ученик (73), на голосовании 2 недели назад
Надо на любой фильм желательно популярный
10 предложений надо
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Артемий Королев Ученик (116) 1 месяц назад
Попытка номер 2:
1. The film "T-34" is a fascinating historical adventure drama about the Great Patriotic War.
2. The plot of the film is interesting, the events are tense, the actors have got used to their roles perfectly.
3. The audience liked the film, they consider it worthy of watching.
4. The film "T-34" is an excellent choice for fans of war films and history.
5. The film combines elements of drama, adventure and war cinema.
6. The audience enjoys intense battle scenes, touching moments and memorable characters.
7. The cast of the film includes famous Russian actors who did an excellent job with their roles.
8. The film impresses with its entertainment and the quality of special effects.
9. The plot of the film is based on real events and tells about the heroism of Soviet soldiers.
10. I recommend the film "T-34" to anyone interested in history and military dramas.
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