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Английский, помогите пж

Андрей Рухлядев Ученик (136), на голосовании 1 месяц назад
Напишите статью для подросткового журнала. (50-80 слов).
1) Пишите о том, что вас интересует (музыка, хобби, учеба и т.д.)
2) Пишите простым и понятным языком, потому что эта
статья для таких подростков, как вы.

Используйте слова из этого списка в своей статье.
Голосование за лучший ответ
666 Мастер (2337) 2 месяца назад
My favorite TV show

My favorite TV show is "The Simpsons". It's a comedy about a family of five who live in a small town. The show has been on the air for over 30 years and is still going strong. I love "The Simpsons" because it's funny, relatable, and well-written. The characters are all well-developed and likable. The show also does a great job of satirizing American culture.

One of my favorite episodes is "Bart Gets an F". In this episode, Bart fails his math test and is grounded. He tries to get his grade changed, but his teacher, Mrs. Krabappel, refuses. Bart then decides to run for class president and use his popularity to get his grade changed. The episode is full of laughs, and it also has a heartwarming message about the importance of education.

I highly recommend "The Simpsons" to anyone who loves comedy. It's a great show that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.
Андрей РухлядевУченик (136) 2 месяца назад
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