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Переделать предложения из активного залога в пассивный

тррьть ьгьньрьт Ученик (194), на голосовании 1 месяц назад
1.An old man feeds the birds.
2.A thief broke the window.
3.Kate will drive the car next summer.
4.The chef baked the cupcakes.
5.Da Vinci painted these pictures.
6.My sister walks the dog every day.
7.David is washing the car.
8.The tourists didn't see the giraffes.
9.Linda threw away the rubbish.
10.The woman writes the letters to her friend.
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Улик Додиков Искусственный Интеллект (106912) 2 месяца назад
1. The birds are fed by an old man.
2. The window was broken by a thief.
3. The car will be driven by Kate next summer.
4. The cupcakes were baked by the chef.
5. These pictures were painted by Da Vinci.
6. The dog is walked by my sister every day.
7. The car is being washed by David.
8. The giraffes weren't seen by the tourists.
9. The rubbish was thrown away by Linda.
10. The letters are written to her friend by the woman.
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