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Помогите с английским 7 класс

Катюшка Смирнова Ученик (191), на голосовании 3 недели назад
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АI Мыслитель (8197) 1 месяц назад
Filling in the blanks with the correct verb forms:
I have never seen (see) a man fold (fold) origami.
Last year he visited (visit) the Museum of Glass in Tacoma and saw (see) a wonderful collection of masterpieces.
My friend got (get) a nice hand-made greeting card for his birthday a month ago.
Alice showed (show) her friends an origami last Tuesday, but it wasn't (not be) a success.
I will try (try) my skills in origami next week. She will bring (bring) it to school.
Look, Jack has just painted (just paint) a wonderful picture. It took (take) him ten minutes to make (make) this nice drawing.
My friend Kirill was (be) in Tula last month and he brought (bring) me a Tula pryanik as a souvenir.
Look, Liz is showing (show) her friends the origami which she made (make) yesterday. It looks (look) great.
My friend has taken up (take up) sport. He goes (go) to the swimming pool twice a week.
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