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Анастасия Фурса Ученик (120), закрыт 2 недели назад
Лучший ответ
Анатолий Зинин Высший разум (342893) 1 месяц назад
1-Who wore this black cardigan?
2-Did you buy fruit or desset?
3-Did you phone your Granny?
4-Children were at home, weren't they?
5-We drink coffee in the morning.
6-What paints do you use?
7-When does the exhibition open?
8-We flew to the Crimea last month.
9-She got an excellent mark last week.
10-This evening is warm.
11-They didn't go to Berlin.
12-Who got a letter?
13-I can't play golf.
14-This furniture is not comfortable.
15-You enjoyed yourself, didn't you?
Остальные ответы
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