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Ребят помогите с дз??

Kossi Ученик (169), закрыт 3 недели назад
Написано что по тексту надо найти синонимы. И выписать(выучить:слово-синоним-перевод)
Cross River Gorilla
Ryan has just spent 6 months in a tent tracking these gorillas in the rainforests of Cameroon after he saw a documentary about them. He says, "I was very shocked when I heard there are only 300 of these gorillas left because of hunting and deforestation that has destroyed their habitat. Every day, we walked for miles up steep slopes in the rainforest.
Our guide was a poacher in the past who hunted the gorillas for their meat! I was so excited when we saw our
first gorilla. We recorded lots of information
about its location and activities. We also talked to locals and suggested alternatives to cutting down forests for farming. This was the
most interesting - and challenging - experience of my life!"
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