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Владимир Мордвинцев Ученик (116), открыт 1 месяц назад
перевод из прямой речи в косвенную
1 ответ
Улик Додиков Искусственный Интеллект (100711) 1 месяц назад
1. I asked where Tom had gone.
2. He told our guide that he had lost his way.
3. She said that there was no paper in the box.
4. He said that he was living in London then.
5. She asked what I wanted.
6. He told me not to take his car.
7. He advised staying in bed for a few days.
8. Marry said that she had gone to London with her sister.
9. My friend said that he watched a lot of soap operas.
10. He asked the waitress to bring him some fish soup.
11. He asked if Tom would be there the next day.
12. My mother asked if I had cleaned the room the day before.
13. My cousin said that they were not interested in politics.
14. He asked what I had told the police.
15. Tom said that New York was more beautiful than London.
16. She asked if I was going to the cinema.
17. I asked where they were living then.
18. The doctor advised Pete not to go for a walk that day.
19. She advised us to eat lots of fruits, veggies, and grain.
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