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кто учит английский? ХЭЛП! помогите составить небольшой доклад на английском языке о Франции!!

Sun Shine*~ Ученик (85), на голосовании 15 лет назад
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chewmylegoff Профи (838) 15 лет назад
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Жабко Сугубокросивое Мудрец (13777) 15 лет назад
France is the official name French Republic is the state in Western Europe. The capital is a city Paris. The name of country originates from the German tribe are - francs.
A population is 64,5 million persons, including over 90 % are citizens of France.
Believers — mainly catholics (over 76 %).
France westering and north is washed the Atlantic ocean By the Biscay bay and channel La-mansh, on a south — by Mediterranean By the Lyon bay and Liguriyskim by a sea.
On a south-west abuts upon Spain and midget principality Andorra, on a southeast — with midget principality of Monaco and Italy, on east — with Switzerland, Germany, Luxemburg and Belgium.
A modern coat of arms of France is a liktorskiy bunch with an ax and laurel and oak branches.
The old royal coat of arms was the shield crowned a crown with three lilies. As some kings connected two crowns sometimes, French and navarrskuyu, and Henry IV did it final, the coat of arms had two shields. There was character of Navarry — crossed chains on the second. The complicated image could have are laurel branches.
Numerous revolutions and restorations changed the coats of arms and flags constantly. Frenches always had a cock, often urgent gallic folk character.
France is divided by 26 regions from which 21 is on the European continent, one — on an island Corsica, and four — on oversea territories. Regions do not possess a legal autonomy, but can set the taxes and conduct a budget.
France is 6th economic power of the world after the USA, Japan, Germany, China and Great Britain. With the territory in a mother country in a 551 602 km and 64 million habitants, including oversea territories, France can not be considered a large country in the world. And meantime, its economic weight allows it to play leading roles on the international stage.
France uses the natural advantages, beginning from central geographical position in Europe to possessing outputs on the main commercial routes of Western Europe: Mediterranean, Atlantika.

Воть... Подкорректируй как тебе надо, это основное положение Франции, население и наброски политики...)))
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