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nerin Ученик (245), открыт 4 недели назад
Task 6

Write the correct particles to complete the sentences.
  1. Do these black shoes go ______ my yellow skirt?
  2. The milk smells disgusting. It’s probably gone ______.
  3. This melody brings ______ pleasant memories from my youth.
  4. A singer is bringing ______ a new album.
  5. The concert was put ______ until next month.
  6. Can I be put ______ to the manager, please?
  7. Paul called ______ his granny to check if she was fine.
  8. The football match was called ______ due to the storm.
  9. Don’t give ______ trying and you will get the result.
10. I’ve given ______ a lot of clothes to charity.

Помогите пожалуйста, последние задание осталось!
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