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Даниил Александров Георгиевич Композитор Ученик (144), открыт 3 недели назад
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Условие задания:
Task 1 (15 points).

Put the underlined nouns in the following sentences into the plural form. Make all necessary changes. Write full sentences.

Example: 0. My brother has got a daughter. — My brothers have got daughters.

1. A postman and a policeman work every day.


2. We have got a peach and a tomato in the fridge.


3. A child sees a beautiful butterfly and a funny goose.


4. There is a book on this shelf.


5. A sheep and a horse are farm animals.


Task 2 (12 points).

Make the sentences positive, negative or interrogative (questions) according to the hints in brackets. Write full sentences.

Example: 0. Chris drives a car. (?) — Does Chris drive a car?

1. Oliver is riding a bike. (−) ____________________________________

2. Children are wearing a school uniform. (?) ____________________________________

3. Will you watch the film? (+) ____________________________________

4. They learnt these words. (?) ____________________________________

5. He likes singing. (−) ____________________________________

6. Did Andy play tennis? (+) ____________________________________

Task 3 (12 points).

Как выполнять задания на заполнение пропусков (лексика)

Fill in the gaps with the following words: Polish, microwave, Italian, fridge, carpet, kettle.

Our kitchen is not very big, but light and comfortable. There are a lot of modern devices for cooking. There is a French kettle, a German toaster, an ______________ fridge, a Chinese microwave and a ______________ cooker in our kitchen. There is a beautiful Japanese ______________ on the floor. We keep milk, butter and cheese in the ______________. We boil water to make tea in the ______________. We put the bread in the ______________ to make toasts for breakfast. We like spending time in our kitchen together.

Task 4 (10 points).

Open the brackets using the possessive case (’s).

Example: 0. I entered _________________________________ (room / my brother). — I entered my brother’s room.

1. I found _________________________________ (toy / Alice) under the bed.

2. Look at _________________________________ (bag / that woman)! It’s very nice.

3. Did you see _________________________________ (gloves / Max)?

4. _________________________________ (daughter / John and Mia) is very polite.

5. Yesterday I rode _________________________________ (bike / James).

Task 5 (10 points).

Как выполнять задания на заполнение пропусков (грамматика)

Fill in the gaps with the correct object pronouns.

Example: 0. Molly is my best friend. I met her 5 years ago.

1. The book was very interesting! I really liked _________.

2. Where are your children? I can’t see _________.

3. Come and see _________. I am at home.

4. My father sometimes helps me with my homework. I ask _________ about it.

5. We are going to the party. Tom invited _________.
3 ответа
Тим Фамилия Мастер (1775) 3 недели назад
Task 1:

1. Postmen and policemen work every day.
2. We have got peaches and tomatoes in the fridge.
3. Children see beautiful butterflies and funny geese.
4. There are books on this shelf.
5. Sheep and horses are farm animals.

Task 2:

1. Isn't Oliver riding a bike?
2. Are children wearing a school uniform?
3. Will you watch the film?
4. Did they learn these words?
5. Doesn't he like singing?
6. Did Andy play tennis?

Task 3:

Our kitchen is not very big, but light and comfortable. There are a lot of modern devices for cooking. There is a French kettle, a German toaster, an Italian fridge, a Chinese microwave, and an Italian cooker in our kitchen. There is a beautiful Japanese carpet on the floor. We keep milk, butter, and cheese in the fridge. We boil water to make tea in the kettle. We put the bread in the microwave to make toasts for breakfast. We like spending time in our kitchen together.

Task 4:

1. I found Alice's toy under the bed.
2. Look at that woman's bag! It's very nice.
3. Did you see Max's gloves?
4. John and Mia's daughter is very polite.
5. Yesterday I rode James's bike.

Task 5:

1. The book was very interesting! I really liked it.
2. Where are your children? I can't see them.
3. Come and see me. I am at home.
4. My father sometimes helps me with my homework. I ask him about it.
5. We are going to the party. Tom invited us
Кирилл Чернышов Гуру (4380) 3 недели назад
**Task 1:**

1. Postmen and policemen work every day.
2. We have got peaches and tomatoes in the fridge.
3. Children see beautiful butterflies and funny geese.
4. There are books on this shelf.
5. Sheep and horses are farm animals.

**Task 2:**

1. Oliver is not riding a bike.
2. Are children wearing school uniforms?
3. I will watch the film.
4. Did they learn these words?
5. He doesn't like singing.
6. Andy did play tennis.

**Task 3:**

Our kitchen is not very big, but light and comfortable. There are a lot of modern devices for cooking. There is a French kettle, a German toaster, an Italian fridge, a Chinese microwave and a Polish cooker in our kitchen. There is a beautiful Japanese carpet on the floor. We keep milk, butter, and cheese in the fridge. We boil water to make tea in the kettle. We put the bread in the microwave to make toasts for breakfast. We like spending time in our kitchen together.

**Task 4:**

1. I found Alice's toy under the bed.
2. Look at that woman's bag! It’s very nice.
3. Did you see Max's gloves?
4. John and Mia's daughter is very polite.
5. Yesterday I rode James's bike.

**Task 5:**

1. The book was very interesting! I really liked it.
2. Where are your children? I can’t see them.
3. Come and see me. I am at home.
4. My father sometimes helps me with my homework. I ask him about it.
5. We are going to the party. Tom invited us.
Ayneee Знаток (455) 3 недели назад
Task 1:

A postman and a policeman work every day. Answer: Postmen and policemen work every day.

We have got a peach and a tomato in the fridge. Answer: We have got some fruit in the fridge.

A child sees a beautiful butterfly and a funny goose. Answer: A child sees some animals in the park.

There is a book on this shelf. Answer: There are some books on this shelf.

A sheep and a horse are farm animals. Answer: Sheep and horses are farm animals.

Task 2:

Oliver is riding a bike. (−) Answer: Oliver is not riding a bike.

Children are wearing a school uniform. (?) Answer: Are children wearing a school uniform?

Will you watch the film? (+) Answer: Yes, I will watch the film.

They learnt these words. (?) Answer: Did they learn these words?

He likes singing. (−) Answer: He does not like singing.

Did Andy play tennis? (+) Answer: Yes, Andy played tennis.

Task 3:

Our kitchen is not very big, but light and comfortable. There are a lot of modern devices for cooking. There is a French kettle, a German toaster, an Italian fridge, a Chinese microwave and a Polish cooker in our kitchen. There is a beautiful Japanese carpet on the floor. We keep milk, butter and cheese in the fridge. We boil water to make tea in the kettle. We put the bread in the toaster to make toasts for breakfast. We like spending time in our kitchen together.

Task 4:

I found Alice’s toy under the bed.
Look at that woman’s bag! It’s very nice.
Did you see Max’s gloves?
John and Mia’s daughter is very polite.
Yesterday I rode James’s bike.

Task 5:

The book was very interesting! I really liked it.
Where are your children? I can’t see them.
Come and see me. I am at home.
My father sometimes helps me with my homework. I ask him about it.
We are going to the party. Tom invited us.
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