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Димка Колесников Ученик (66), на голосовании 1 неделю назад
Use "I, you, he, she, it, we, they':1. . . . am a crew member. 2. . . . is our crew. 3. . . . are pilots: 4 . . is an air hostess. 5. Is . . . a navigator? 6. Is . . . a cargo plane? 7. Is . . . a steward? 8. The crew members are in the plane, . . . are in the cockpit. 9 .....are crew members. 10. . . . am a flight engineer. 11. . . . is a radio operator. 12. The cargo is in the plane, . . . is in the cargo hold. 13. . . . are mechanics 14. . . . is a helicopter.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Светлана 500 метров от вас Знаток (308) 1 месяц назад
I am a crew member.
He is our crew.
They are pilots.
She is an air hostess.
Are you a navigator?
Is it a cargo plane?
Is he a steward?
The crew members are in the plane, we are in the cockpit.
They are crew members.
I am a flight engineer.
He is a radio operator.
The cargo is in the plane, it is in the cargo hold.
They are mechanics.
It is a helicopter.
Максим Кухарь Мастер (1021) 1 месяц назад
1) another
2) closed
3) for
4) a
5) this
6) slowed
7) transmission
8) manual
10) I
11) This
12) why
13) Priora
Муравей Лучше Мастер (2122) 1 месяц назад
I am a crew member.
He is our crew.
They are pilots.
She is an air hostess.
Are you a navigator?
Is it a cargo plane?
Is he a steward?
The crew members are in the plane, we are in the cockpit.
They are crew members.
I am a flight engineer.
He is a radio operator.
The cargo is in the plane, it is in the cargo hold.
They are mechanics.
It is a helicopter.
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