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Англиский язык помогите пожалуйста без рофла

Matvey Batishev Ученик (103), закрыт 1 месяц назад
помогите пожалуйста времени думать нету уезжаем утром на рыбалку за выполненую карточку плачу 100р
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катя Сво Ученик (164) 1 месяц назад
Complete the sentences using verbs from A opposite. Write them in the correct form.

Jack likes running round the park every morning but Hannah prefers walking round it with her dog.
Everyone laughed at the party last night.
Every day Claire swims ten lengths of the pool before breakfast.
James can run very fast. He has won a lot of races.
Andrew loves climbing mountains.
The old lady fell on her way home and broke her arm.
Stella jumped into the swimming pool and quickly swam to the other side.
It is better for you to walk to work than to go by car.
Ride, drive, go by or take? Write the correct word(s) in the sentence.

Can you ride a motorbike?
He works for a railway company. He drives trains.
She sometimes takes the underground to work.
He goes away from home a lot. He drives a lorry.
I prefer to take a bus than a car.
Would you like to ride an elephant?
You never forget how to ride a bicycle.
I usually take a taxi when it rains.
Complete the diagram with six possible words.

Possible words could include:

Put these sentences into the past tense with the word yesterday.

Lilian runs a mile every day. She ran a mile yesterday.
Maria often drives her grandmother to the city. Maria drove her grandmother to the city yesterday.
Charlie flies to Madrid every week. Charlie flew to Madrid yesterday.
I sometimes take a taxi home from the station. I took a taxi home from the station yesterday.
Stella rides her bike when she rides her bike. Stella rode her bike yesterday.
Adrian often misses the 7.30 bus to school. Adrian missed the 7.30 bus to school yesterday.
The taxi driver usually helps the old lady to carry her luggage to the train. The taxi driver helped the old lady to carry her luggage to the train yesterday.
Madeline usually dances very well. Madeline danced very well yesterday.
Answer these questions. Use every day, once a week, once a year or never.

How often do you walk to work or school? I walk to work every day.
How often do you go by bike? How often do you ride it? I ride my bike once a week.
How often do you go swimming? Do you swim in the sea or in a pool? I go swimming once a week in a pool.
How often do you go somewhere by plane? I go somewhere by plane once a year.
How often do you go dancing? I go dancing once a month.
How often do you go climbing? I never go climbing.
How often do you take a taxi? I take a taxi once a month.
катя СвоУченик (164) 1 месяц назад
100 рублей не надо
милая котяПрофи (858) 1 месяц назад
катя Сво Ученик (164) милая котя, Что такого?
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Егор Кольчевский Знаток (403) 1 месяц назад
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