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Английский язык аттестация фоксфорд 7 класс

пупусик Ученик (146), на голосовании 1 неделю назад
помогите плиссс

Functional language. Can I help you?
Read the sentences and choose the correct response.

A: I'm not feeling well.B: What's the matter?B: Sure - go ahead.B: Can I help you?B: That' great!A: Can I take your car?B: No problem!B: I'm sorry but I can't.B: Good choice!B: That's awful.A: Can I help you?B: Where are the changing rooms?B: I'm afraid that's not a good idea.B: You should take an aspirin and lie down.B: The changing rooms are over there.A: Have you got that dress in another colour?B: Unfortunately, not.B: The changing rooms are over there.B: Can I help you?B: That's 10 pounds.A: Where can I try these trousers on?B: Can I help you?B: The changing rooms are over there.B: Good choice!B: I'm afraid I can't.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Сальвадор Дали Мастер (2152) 1 месяц назад
Лови ответы, бро:

1. A: I'm not feeling well.B: What's the matter?

2. A: Can I take your car?B: I'm sorry but I can't.

3. A: Can I help you?B: Where are the changing rooms?

4. A: Have you got that dress in another colour?B: Unfortunately, not.

5. A: Where can I try these trousers on?B: Can I help you?

Вот и все, удачи на аттестации! ?
пупусикУченик (146) 1 месяц назад
спасибо огромное))))
Emir 21Знаток (451) 1 месяц назад
Во 2 неправильно. No problem подходит лучше.
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