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invokeringer0909 123 Ученик (110), открыт 3 недели назад
Tim Bolt didn’t really like sport at all until he discovered something both new and unusual. “I was listening to the radio one day when I heard something that I thought must have been a joke. The DJ was talking about underwater hockey! When I realized it actually was a sport, I decided to find out more about it. To my surprise, I found a local team and before I knew it, I was part of it!”
Unlike water polo, where the action takes place above the water, underwater hockey is played at the bottom of the pool. Players wear masks, flippers and snorkels during the game. “The rulers are simple, you just have to slide the puck into the opposing team’s goal,” says Tim.
Underwater hockey was invented by a British diving club in 1954. Tim told us, “Unfortunately it’s not much of a spectator sport, as all people watching from outside the pool can see are lots of splashing and flippers!”
True or False?
1. Tim Bolt played ice hokey before………..
2. Underwater hockey is like water polo………..
3.Underwater hockey was invented in Canada……
4. According to Tom the rulers are not difficult……
5. You need some equipment such as masks, flippers and snorkels…….

4. Choose the right variant.
1. Tony’s …… He doesn’t feel comfortable with people.
a. easy-going b. sociable c. shy
2. A more awful ….... happened in China in 1998. It was caused by heavy rainfall.
a. flood b. blood c. cyclone
3. I am very good ……English.
a. at b. for c.about
4. John works Monday to Friday, 9 to 5. It’s a ……..job.
a. salary b. overtime c. full-time
5. Dave is …….He must go on a diet.
a. fit b. overweight c. responsible
6. …… a shaking of the ground
a. earthquake b. tornado c. hurricane
7. Big factories are responsible for water ……….
a. collection b. pollution c. Avalanche.
8 Computers had a huge .........on the 20th century.
a.impact b. download c. connect
9. The ………… scored three goals in 30 minutes and won the match.
a. physical b. opposing c. strapped
10. If you train hard, you …….on the team.
a. would get b. get c. gets
11. You should play……..than yesterday.
a. the most carefully b. more carefully c. carefullier
12. He swims ……..than the Canadian sportsman.
a. faster b. the fastest c. fast
13. If I were you, I ………my favourite team play all over the world.
a. watched b. had been watched c.would watch
14. If I had time, I …………a game of football.
a. play b. would play c. played
15. “………we dance, Mr Clark?” asked Polina.
a. Shall b. Must c.Need
16.You …. do all your home work today, you can finish it tomorrow.
a. couldn’t b. mustn’t c. needn’t
17. ….. Volga is the longest river in Europe
a.- b. The c. A

5. Vocabulary.
The plane took off ten minutes after the last passenger had … it.
caught b) booked c) boarded
Tony’s health has really … ever since he stopped eating junk food.
increased b) developed c) improved
Sam is … selfish to care about what others think of them.
enough b) too c) very
Brian tells the … jokes I’ve ever heard.
a) more funny b) funniest c) funnier
When his mother asked him if he knew anything about the broken window, he just …. his shoulders and said nothing.
a) crossed b) shrugged c) clenched
6. Make sure you wear a hat when you’re out in the … weather.
a) baking b) boiling c) steaming
7. A good way to … a problem is to think about it calmly and carefully.
a) beat b) win c) gain
8. There was thick black … coming out of the burning building.
a) fog b) smog c) smoke
1 ответ
Тим Фамилия Мастер (1832) 3 недели назад
True or False:
1. False
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. True

Choose the right variant:
1. c. shy
2. a. flood
3. a. at
4. c. full-time
5. b. overweight
6. a. earthquake
7. b. pollution
8. a. impact
9. b. opposing
10. b. get
11. b. more carefully
12. a. faster
13. c. would watch
14. b. would play
15. a. Shall
16. c. needn't
17. b. The

1. c) boarded
2. c) improved
3. b) too
4. b) funniest
5. b) shrugged
6. a) baking
7. a) beat
8. c) smoke
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