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Вероника Красильщикова Ученик (103), на голосовании 23 часа назад
  1. Do we need test __ may
  2. Is there a holiday in Russia ___ 2, January?
  3. What do you often do___the evening
  4. We’re usually at school__four o’clock
  5. When do you come home — __half past one
  6. When do you walk a dog — ___the evening
  7. I seldom play computer games__the afternoon

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Голосование за лучший ответ
Валерия Мороз Ученик (132) 1 месяц назад
Do we need test in may
Is there a holiday in Russia on 2, January?
What do you often do in the evening
We’re usually at school at four o’clock
When do you come home — at half past one
When do you walk a dog — in the evening
I seldom play computer games in the afternoon
Улик Додиков Искусственный Интеллект (109816) 1 месяц назад
1. Do we need test **in** May?
2. Is there a holiday in Russia **on** 2, January?
3. What do you often do **in** the evening?
4. We’re usually at school **at** four o’clock.
5. When do you come home — **at** half past one?
6. When do you walk a dog — **in** the evening?
7. I seldom play computer games **in** the afternoon.
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