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Make the passive voice

Ira Inaya Ученик (102), открыт 3 недели назад
Passive Voice
Change the following sentences. Use the passive voice.
Example: They do not allow smoking here. - Smoking is allowed here.
1. They publish English books here. - English books …
2. They serve hot coffee here every day. - Hot coffee …
3. Nobody knows him in this neighbourhood. - He …
4. We are discussing his promotion now. - His promotion …
5. They are building new houses here. - New houses …
6. She is cleaning the room at the moment. - The room …
7. John is mending his bicycle. - The
8. Nobody saw him. - He …
bicycle …
9. They bought these clothes yesterday.
- These clothes …
10. Dr. Bell operated on him last week. - He …
11. We invited him to the party. - He …
12. We took them home in our car. - They … 13. While I was sweeping the floor, my sister was cleaning the
windows. - While the floor … the windows …
14. While we were serving dinner, Andrew was entertaining
guests. - While dinner …, the guests …
15. While they were calling out the names, some people beginning to leave. - While the names …, some people beginning to leave.
16. The headmaster has sent for her. - She
17. They have already signed these papers. - These
papers …
were were
18. They have not fired him yet. - He … Have they painted the house? - Has …
19. 20. He said that they had spoiled the party. - He said that the party … 21. She explained that she had not done it. - She explained that it … 22. The police explained why they had arrested him. - The polic
explained why he …
23. They will reconsider his proposition. - His proposition
24. They will take care of the problem. - The problem …
25. He will return all the books. - All the
books …
26. My mother will have prepared all the food by 7 o'clock. food …
1 ответ
anastasia1991 Мастер (1002) 3 недели назад
1. English books are published here.
2. Hot coffee is served here every day.
3. He is not known in this neighbourhood.
4. His promotion is being discussed now.
5. New houses are being built here.
6. The room is being cleaned at the moment.
7. The bicycle is being mended by John.
8. He was not seen.
9. These clothes were bought yesterday.
10. He was operated on by Dr. Bell last week.
11. He was invited to the party.
12. They were taken home in our car.
13. While the floor was being swept, the windows were being cleaned by my sister.
14. While dinner was being served, the guests were being entertained by Andrew.
15. While the names were being called out, some people were beginning to leave.
16. She has been sent for by the headmaster.
17. These papers have already been signed.
18. He has not been fired yet. Has the house been painted?
19. He said that the party had been spoiled.
20. She explained that it had not been done by her.
21. The police explained why he had been arrested.
22. His proposition will be reconsidered.
23. The problem will be taken care of.
24. All the books will be returned.
25. All the food will have been prepared by 7 o'clock by my mother.
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