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Максим Мирный Ученик (177), открыт 1 месяц назад
Английский язык, задание на временные формы.
1 ответ
_Fire_of_Death_ Гуру (4508) 1 месяц назад
A: Just look at John, he is thinking (1) about his girlfriend again. Don't you think (2) he is a bit too much in love?

B: You may be right. I don't understand (3) what he has seen (4) in her at that school dance. She was (5) so weird.

A: You know she does not eat (6) meat? She has been (7) vegetarian for five years. And I heard (8) that she has changed (9) schools every year for the last six years.

B: I'm not surprised. She always comes (10) to class unprepared. It's so irritating.

A: Look, it's her! She is walking (11) there with her friend Jane. I think they have been (12) friends since childhood.

B: Yes, they go (13) to the same primary school. But Jane is different. She's very nice. She helps (14) me a lot recently with maths and physics. She took (15) part in the maths contest last year.

A: Jack, have you fallen (16) in love with her?

B: Well, I see (17) her a lot these days and we spend (18) a lot of time together, learning. Actually, we also went (19) away together last weekend - we did (20) some research for her history project.

A: And I thought I was your best friend ...
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