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Present Continuous (4задания)

Святик Реданов Знаток (252), открыт 3 недели назад
Решить 4 задания
1 ответ
Анатолий Зинин Высший разум (346172) 3 недели назад
1) They are having a great time at the camp at the moment.
2) Angela is painting a beautiful picture now.
3) Tina and Pam are staying in a 5-star hotel.
1) My sister wasn't washing the floor.
2) They will be decorating the room.
3) We will be cooking pizza all the morning tomorrow.
4) Weren't you helping your father?
5) We won't be cooking dinner.
6) They were waiting for you all the morning yesterday.
2-will take off; will land
3-didn't lose
5-will find
1-has lost
2-has already stopped
3-Have you finished your test?
Святик РедановЗнаток (252) 3 недели назад
Анатолий Зинин Высший разум (346172) Святик Реданов, You Are Welcome )))
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