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Богдан Германенко Ученик (110), закрыт 4 дня назад
yeah baby
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Мадам Не Брошкина Искусственный Интеллект (401656) 1 неделю назад
The British political system is one of the oldest and most complex in the world. It is based on a constitutional monarchy, where the monarch is a symbol of unity and continuity, but the actual power lies with Parliament and the government. Parliament consists of two houses: the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

The House of Commons is the lower house of Parliament, where 650 members are elected by the public using a first-past-the-post system. It is responsible for passing laws and overseeing the actions of the government. The House of Lords is the upper house, comprising hereditary peers, life peers, and bishops, as well as appointed members.

The head of government is the Prime Minister, who is chosen from among the members of the House of Commons and is accountable to it. The Prime Minister leads the Cabinet, which includes ministers from various departments and is responsible for governing the country.

The British political system also features a strong role for political parties. There are two main political parties: the Labour Party and the Conservative Party, which often compete for power in Parliament.

In summary, the British political system is a complex blend of democracy and monarchy, where democratic principles prevail, but royal authority retains a symbolic status. This system has contributed to the stability and longevity of the British state over many centuries.
Богдан Германенко Ученик (110) 1 неделю назад
thank u very much
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Black Мастер (2161) 1 неделю назад
The British Political System

The British political system is a parliamentary democracy. The head of state is the monarch, currently Queen Elizabeth II, but her powers are mostly ceremonial. The real political power is held by the Prime Minister, who is the head of government. The Prime Minister is appointed by the monarch but must be the leader of the party that has the most seats in the House of Commons.

British Parliament consists of two houses: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Members of the House of Commons are elected by the public in general elections, which are held every five years. The House of Lords, on the other hand, is made up of appointed and hereditary members.

The British political system is known for its stability and adherence to traditions. Laws and policies are proposed by the government and must be approved by both houses of Parliament. The judiciary is independent and ensures that laws are applied fairly.

The UK also has a system of devolution, which grants varying degrees of legislative power to Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Local governments are responsible for services such as education, transport, and housing.

Британская политическая система

Британская политическая система представляет собой парламентскую демократию. Главой государства является монарх, в настоящее время королева Елизавета II, но её полномочия в основном церемониальные. Реальная политическая власть принадлежит премьер-министру, который является главой правительства. Премьер-министр назначается монархом, но должен быть лидером партии, имеющей наибольшее количество мест в Палате общин.

Британский парламент состоит из двух палат: Палаты общин и Палаты лордов. Члены Палаты общин избираются населением на всеобщих выборах, которые проводятся каждые пять лет. В Палату лордов, с другой стороны, входят назначенные и наследственные члены.

Британская политическая система известна своей стабильностью и приверженностью традициям. Законы и политики предлагаются правительством и должны быть одобрены обеими палатами парламента. Судебная система независима и обеспечивает справедливое применение законов.

Великобритания также имеет систему деволюции, которая предоставляет различные степени законодательной власти Шотландии, Уэльсу и Северной Ирландии. Местные органы власти отвечают за такие услуги, как образование, транспорт и жильё.
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