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Помогите пожалуйста, срочно!! Нужно вставить пропущенные слова.

Виктория Э Ученик (99), открыт 1 неделю назад
1. In civil law there is the ____________________ to right a _______________, honor an _______________, or settle a ______________. 2. Administrative law is enforced by the ______________ branch of the government rather than the ______________ and the ______________ branches. 3. The main aim of criminal law is to ______________ other people from ______________ similar wrongs. 4. International law ______________ relations between ______________ and also between ______________ citizens of one country and those of another. 5. The UK has an _______________ constitution — the consti - tution of this state is usually found in ___________________ such as Magna Carta, Bill of Rights and others. 6. Constitutional law regulates the relationships between different ___________________ of the state, such as the ______________, the ______________ and the judiciary. 7. Civil law concerns ______________ among citizens within a country, and ___________ law concerns _____________ between citizens and the state, or between one state and another. 8. States agree to _____________ international law by being members of a great international organization such as the ______________ ______________, or by entering into ______________ with one another. 9. Every country has its own legal system and its own _______ of laws that are called ____________ law. 10. The party _________________ in court of a crime or a civil ______________ is called the defendant in both kinds of ______________.
3 ответа
Sahaprof Мыслитель (8072) 1 неделю назад
1. **In civil law there is the** remedy **to right a** wrong, **honor an** agreement, **or settle a** dispute.
2. **Administrative law is enforced by the** executive **branch of the government rather than the** legislative **and the** judicial **branches.**
3. **The main aim of criminal law is to** deter **other people from** committing **similar wrongs.**
4. **International law** governs **relations between** states **and also between** citizens **of one country and those of another.**
5. **The UK has an** unwritten **constitution — the constitution of this state is usually found in** documents **such as Magna Carta, Bill of Rights and others.**
6. **Constitutional law regulates the relationships between different** branches **of the state, such as the** executive, **the** legislative **and the judiciary.**
7. **Civil law concerns** relations **among citizens within a country, and** public **law concerns** relationships **between citizens and the state, or between one state and another.**
8. **States agree to** abide by **international law by being members of a great international organization such as the** United Nations, **or by entering into** treaties **with one another.**
9. **Every country has its own legal system and its own** body **of laws that are called** national **law.**
10. **The party** accused **in court of a crime or a civil** case **is called the defendant in both kinds of** proceedings.
Gato Verde Гуру (2913) 1 неделю назад
1. In civil law there is the duty to right a wrong, honor an agreement, or settle a dispute.

2. Administrative law is enforced by the executive branch of the government rather than the legislative and the judicial branches.

3. The main aim of criminal law is to deter other people from committing similar wrongs.

4. International law regulates relations between states and also between citizens of one country and those of another.

5. The UK has an uncodified constitution — the constitution of this state is usually found in documents such as Magna Carta, Bill of Rights and others.

6. Constitutional law regulates the relationships between different branches of the state, such as the executive, the legislative and the judiciary.

7. Civil law concerns disputes among citizens within a country, and administrative law concerns disputes between citizens and the state, or between one state and another.

8. States agree to abide by international law by being members of a great international organization such as the UN, or by entering into treaties with one another.

9. Every country has its own legal system and its own body of laws that are called domestic law.

10. The party accused in court of a crime or a civil offense is called the defendant in both kinds of cases.
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