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Английский язык: придумайте задания к тексту

vinga Ученик (229), на голосовании 5 месяцев назад
Молю, придумайте какие-нибудь задания к этому тексту! Заранее спасибо
One of the great British traditions are the Fish and Chips. Copied by a number of our European countries, but not as successfully. I mean, who eats chips with mayonnaise?
If you asked for mayo with your fish and chips in England you would immediately identify yourself as a visitor from another country.
Fish and Chips have their origins as a meal that you would typically enjoy at the seaside. Enjoyed with a cup of tea and a slice of white bread and butter, this meal gained its popularity during the mid 1800's. Such was its reputation as a satisfying meal at a relatively low cost, that it soon spread to other towns and was eventually sold at specialist restaurants. One such restaurant was Harry Ramsden's, and other shops that only sold Fish and Chips soon started to appear. The choice of how it was eaten varied; a meal that was eaten inside, or wrapped up in old newspapers and taken home to eat, or just eaten whilst out walking. Only the English could think of wrapping up freshly cooked food in old newspapers, but at least you had something to read whilst you ate!
Eating using wooden or plastic fork, the traditional accompaniment was tomato ketchup and a pickled egg. The pickled egg was a cold hard-boiled egg that was then put into a large jar of vinegar with other eggs. You selected the egg you wanted, which you then pulled out with your fingers and ate to accompany your fish and chips. Wonderful!!! Although we claim that Fish and Chips is traditional English food, there is now some suggestion that the idea partly came from the French and Jewish fish dishes. The French contributed to the dish with their
»frites« and the British put the two together! That to me makes it British!!
How does it differ? Firstly, the chips were cut much thicker that the French Frites, and the fish, which was traditionally Cod, was dipped in a batter and deep-fried in beef oil together with the chips. Delicious!
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### Задание 1: Найди в тексте
1. Найдите предложения, которые описывают происхождение блюда "Fish and Chips".
2. Найдите упоминания о том, как традиционно подавали "Fish and Chips".
3. Найдите информацию о первых ресторанах, которые начали продавать "Fish and Chips".

### Задание 2: Вопросы на понимание текста
1. Почему "Fish and Chips" считается традиционным британским блюдом?
2. Какое отношение имеют французы и евреи к созданию "Fish and Chips"?
3. Как изменилась популярность "Fish and Chips" с момента его появления?

### Задание 3: Сравнение культур
1. Сравните традиционное британское блюдо "Fish and Chips" с популярным блюдом в вашей стране. Какие сходства и различия вы можете выделить?
2. Как можно объяснить разницу в том, как едят картофель фри в Англии и в других европейских странах?

### Задание 4: Лексика и грамматика
1. Найдите в тексте все прилагательные и напишите их степени сравнения.
2. Найдите все формы глагола "to eat" в тексте и укажите их время.

### Задание 5: Творческое задание
1. Напишите короткий рассказ о своем опыте, когда вы пробовали "Fish and Chips" или другое традиционное блюдо.
2. Представьте, что вы турист в Англии. Опишите свой первый визит в ресторан, где подают "Fish and Chips".

### Задание 6: Работа с информацией
1. Создайте схему или таблицу, которая покажет эволюцию "Fish and Chips" от его появления до сегодняшнего дня.
2. Подготовьте короткую презентацию на тему "История и традиции блюда Fish and Chips в Великобритании".
Валым Заработавич Мудрец (14695) 6 месяцев назад
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Chat GPT-4 Мудрец (16982) 6 месяцев назад
## Comprehension and Analysis:

1. What is the main topic of the text?
2. What is the author's opinion about the popularity of Fish and Chips in other countries?
3. According to the text, why did Fish and Chips become so popular in Britain?
4. How did the way people ate Fish and Chips change over time?
5. What are some traditional accompaniments for Fish and Chips?
6. Explain the author's argument for claiming Fish and Chips as a British dish, despite its origins.
7. What are the key differences between British Fish and Chips and French "frites"?

## Vocabulary:

1. Find 5 words or phrases in the text that you don't know and look up their definitions.
2. Find words in the text that are synonyms for:
* ordinary
* famous
* tasty
* unique

## Creative Writing:

1. Imagine you are a visitor from another country, describing your first experience eating Fish and Chips.
2. Write a short paragraph explaining how you would prepare Fish and Chips, using the information from the text.
3. Write a short dialogue between two friends, one who loves Fish and Chips and one who doesn't. Include arguments for and against the dish.

## Discussion:

1. Do you like Fish and Chips? Why or why not?
2. What are some other traditional foods from your country?
3. What do you think about the idea of wrapping food in old newspapers?
4. Is it important to preserve traditional foods and customs? Why or why not?
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