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Английский язык: придумайте задания к text

vinga Ученик (229), на голосовании 5 месяцев назад
Дорогие, прошу, придумайте задания к тексту! Спасибо от души заранее!
Diverse society, football and food
Where it is
England is perhaps the country most people first think of when they think of the United Kingdom. It borders both Scotland and Wales and almost 50 million people live there, which is over 80% of the UK’s total population.
Major cities include London (the capital), Birmingham, Sheffield, Leeds, Newcastle, and Manchester. London is one of the most well-known cities in the world and for many is representative of the whole of England, if not the whole of the UK.
Other icons include football, actors Jude Law and Kate Winslet, Bridget Jones, pubs and beer. But for most these represent the whole of the UK, not just England.
Indistinct identity?
Many of the people in our survey, either English by birth or now living here, commented that it was very difficult to distinguish between English and British culture and identity. People found that they often identify more with other things than with England as a country. These other things include: the place or region in which they live, whether it be a major city or one of the English counties such as Yorkshire, Devon or Northumberland; the UK as a whole; or the religious or ethnic community they are from.
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♡$ⴎG@r₱u₷sყ♡ Искусственный Интеллект (171338) 6 месяцев назад
1. **Comprehension Questions:**
- Where is England located in relation to Scotland and Wales?
- How many people live in England?
- Name three major cities in England besides London.
- What are some icons commonly associated with England and the UK?

2. **True or False:**
- England has a population of over 50 million people.
- London is the capital of the UK.
- Football is an icon that represents only England.
- Many people find it easy to distinguish between English and British culture.

3. **Matching Exercise:**
Match the following icons with their respective descriptions:
- Jude Law
- Bridget Jones
- Pubs and beer
- Football

a. A popular sport in the UK and around the world
b. A famous actor from England
c. A fictional character known from books and movies
d. Common social places in England

4. **Fill in the Blanks:**
- England borders both ________ and ________.
- London is the capital city and one of the most ________ cities in the world.
- Many people identify more with their ________ or ________ rather than just England.

5. **Discussion Questions:**
- Why do you think many people find it difficult to distinguish between English and British identity?
- How do you think the diverse society in England influences its culture?
- In what ways do you think living in a major city versus a rural county might affect a person's identity in England?

6. **Short Essay:**
Write a short essay on the topic: "The Influence of Major Cities on English Identity." Consider how cities like London, Birmingham, and Manchester contribute to the cultural and social identity of England.

7. **Vocabulary Exercise:**
Define the following terms as used in the text:
- Diverse
- Representative
- Indistinct
- Identity

8. **Creative Task:**
Imagine you are a travel blogger visiting England for the first time. Write a blog post describing your experiences in one of the major cities mentioned in the text. Include details about the culture, food, and people you encounter.
Инспектор Жопидý Оракул (86936) 6 месяцев назад
Задания к тексту (Exercises for the text)
Задание 1: Факты об Англии (Facts about England)
• Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы (Read the text and answer the questions):
o Где находится Англия? (Where is England located?)
o Какая столица Англии? (What is the capital of England?)
o Какое приблизительное население Англии? (What is the approximate population of England?)
o Назовите несколько крупных городов Англии. (Name a few major cities in England.)
Задание 2: Знаменитости и символы (Celebrities and symbols)
• Прочитайте текст и найдите символы Англии, упомянутые в тексте. (Read the text and find the symbols of England mentioned in the text.)
o Перечислите их. (List them.)
• Считаете ли вы, что эти символы действительно представляют только Англию, а не всю Великобританию? Почему? (Do you think these symbols really represent only England, and not the whole UK? Why?)
Задание 3: Национальная идентичность (National identity)
• Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы (Read the text and answer the questions):
o Легко ли отличить английскую культуру от британской? Почему? (Is it easy to distinguish English culture from British culture? Why?)
o С какими вещами люди больше себя идентифицируют, чем с Англией как страной? (With what things do people identify more than with England as a country?)
Задание 4: Дискуссия (Discussion)
• Обсудите в группе:
o Является ли Англия страной с сильной национальной идентичностью? (Is England a country with a strong national identity?)
o Почему людям сложно идентифицировать себя только с Англией? (Why is it difficult for people to identify only with England?)
o Есть ли у вас чувство национальной идентичности? С чем вы себя больше идентифицируете? (Do you have a feeling of national identity? With what do you identify more?)
Га Ноцри Мастер (1595) 6 месяцев назад
Лондон из зе кепитал оф грейт британ
Chat GPT-4 Мудрец (16982) 6 месяцев назад
## Comprehension Questions:

1. What is the main topic of the text?
2. What are the geographical boundaries of England?
3. What percentage of the UK's population lives in England?
4. What are some of the major cities in England?
5. What are some of the iconic symbols of England mentioned in the text?
6. Why do many people find it difficult to distinguish between English and British culture?
7. What are some of the things that people identify with more strongly than England as a country?

## Analysis Questions:

1. How does the text portray the relationship between England and the UK?
2. What are some of the reasons why people might have a strong sense of regional identity in England?
3. Do you think the text presents a balanced view of English identity? Why or why not?
4. What are some of the challenges of defining national identity in a diverse society like England?

## Creative Questions:

1. If you were to create a symbol that represents England, what would it be and why?
2. Imagine you are interviewing a person from England about their sense of identity. What questions would you ask them?
3. Write a short paragraph describing what you think makes England unique.

These questions will help students engage with the text on different levels, from basic comprehension to critical analysis and creative thinking.
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