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No Name Ученик (99), на голосовании 1 месяц назад
Judge is a public officer with authority to hear and decide cases in a law court. In the British system of law, judges are chosen from lawyers who have gained considerable experience as legal practitioners before being appointed to the judiciary.
Judges must be independent of the parties to a dispute (this ensures a fair and just trial). They must be independent of the executive. This enables the judges to exercise control over government action. Judges must be free of any political bias.
Most of the work of the judges is judicial in the sense that they have to adjudicate upon disputes. To do this they are required, impartially, to find the facts based on the evidence presented to the court, to apply thr law to the facts and then to give the right.
Most of the work of the judges is judicial in the sense that they have to adjudicate upon disputes. To do this they are required, impartially, to find the facts based on the evidence presented to the court, to apply the law to the facts and then to give the right decision. Their role is therefore limited to ensuring that there is a fair trial, reaching a decision on the fact as presented to them and applying this to the law.
Judges do not investigate the cases they are trying but they do not play a completely passive role; they may, sometimes, question witnesses and they must ensure that the trial is conducted according to the rules of procedure and evidence.
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Александр Искусственный Интеллект (298188) 2 месяца назад
Judge is a public officer with authority [to hear] and decide cases in a law court.
This enables the judges [to exercise] control over government action.
Most of the work of the judges is judicial in the sense that they have [to adjudicate] upon disputes.
[To do] this they are required, impartially, [to find] the facts based on the evidence presented to the court, [to apply] thr(?) law to the facts and then [to give] the right.
Most of the work of the judges is judicial in the sense that they have [to adjudicate] upon disputes.
[To do] this they are required, impartially, [to find] the facts based on the evidence presented to the court, [to apply] the law to the facts and then [to give] the right decision.
Judges [do] not [investigate] the cases they are trying but they [do] not [play] a completely passive role; they may, sometimes, [question] witnesses and they must [ensure] that the trial is conducted according to the rules of procedure and evidence.
No NameУченик (99) 2 месяца назад
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