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Паша Савченко Ученик (96), открыт 4 дня назад
Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в нужную видо-временную форму.
26.This company (produce) these cars since 1978.
27. Bill awoke and saw that it was still
night, and that the stars (shine) brightly in the sky.
28. Gretta (walk) through the blowing snow for several minutes when a man walked directly her.
29. I (not visit) the place yet, I (go) there tomorrow.
30. Ring up at 7 o'clock. I think by this time
31. John never (go) to bed before 11 o'clock.
2 ответа
KOJlOBPATOVICH Профи (786) 4 дня назад
бро сюда только смерть за помощь посылать
Эльмар Велиханов Ученик (39) 4 дня назад
  1. has been producing
  2. were shining
  3. had been walking
  4. have not visited, I will go
31.goes to bed
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