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Какая частица участвует в ядерной реакции (фото)

Makhkam Marupov Ученик (84), открыт 1 день назад
2 ответа
Евгений Криворотько Ученик (177) 1 день назад
Я прогнал через нейронку вот ответ

To solve the nuclear reaction equation \(_3^6Li + _1^1p \rightarrow ? + \alpha\), we need to determine the missing particle.

The reaction can be written as:
\[ _3^6Li + _1^1p \rightarrow ? + _2^4He \]

Here, \(\alpha\) (alpha particle) is \(_2^4He\).

1. **Atomic numbers (proton numbers) balance**:
The sum of atomic numbers on the left must equal the sum of atomic numbers on the right.
\[ 3 (Li) + 1 (p) = 4 (He) + Z_{?} \]
\[ 4 = 4 + Z_{?} \]
\[ Z_{?} = 0 \]

2. **Mass numbers (nucleon numbers) balance**:
The sum of mass numbers on the left must equal the sum of mass numbers on the right.
\[ 6 (Li) + 1 (p) = 4 (He) + A_{?} \]
\[ 7 = 4 + A_{?} \]
\[ A_{?} = 3 \]

The particle must have an atomic number \(Z = 0\) and a mass number \(A = 3\), which corresponds to \(_0^3He\), also known as a tritium (\(^3He\)).

The correct answer is:
\[ \boxed{1 \text{ } _2^3He} \]
Makhkam MarupovУченик (84) 1 день назад
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