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Помогите с дз по английскому языку.

- Ученик (183), открыт 4 дня назад
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. choose present simple, present continuous, past simple or past continuous. 1 | … _ (look) for my passport at the moment. 2 he always … _ (wear) a suit to work. 3 she ... (buy) a new dress on Saturday morning. 4 she ...(wear) it when I saw her at the party. 5 the teacher... (not smile) today. 6 while my uncle . .. (live) in America he learnt English wery well.
3 ответа
Мастер (1445) 4 дня назад
1. am looking
2. wears
3. bought
4. was wearing
5. is not smiling
6. lived
Ivan Vinokurov Знаток (383) 4 дня назад
1. I’m looking for my passport at the moment.
2. He always wears a suit to work.
3. She bought a new dress on Saturday morning.
4. She was wearing it when I saw her at the party.
5. The teacher isn’t smiling today.
6. While my uncle was living in America, he learnt English very well.

Заранее простите за ошибки, не знаток английского
БЕЛЫЙ АНГЕЛ Мудрец (12835) 1 день назад
Конечно, вот правильные формы глаголов для предложенных предложений:

1. I **am looking** for my passport at the moment. (Я ищу свой паспорт в данный момент.)
2. He always **wears** a suit to work. (Он всегда носит костюм на работу.)
3. She **bought** a new dress on Saturday morning. (Она купила новое платье в субботу утром.)
4. She **was wearing** it when I saw her at the party. (Она носила его, когда я увидел её на вечеринке.)
5. The teacher **is not smiling** today. (Учитель сегодня не улыбается.)
6. While my uncle **was living** in America he learnt English very well. (Пока мой дядя жил в Америке, он очень хорошо выучил английский.)
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