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Ульяна Ковбаса Ученик (106), на голосовании 2 месяца назад
Read the sentences. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions.
1.People always give and get presents ______(on,at) New Year’s Day. They hide them ____(under,on) the Christmas tree.
2.There are no clouds ______(at,in) the sky ______(between,at) night.
3.We are going to the cinema _______(on,in) Friday _______(in,on) the evening.
4.There is a big garden ________(under, behind) the house with a high fence _______(about,around) it.
5.There were a lot of cars _______(in,on) the road and we got stuck ______(at,on) the traffic lights.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Crypto-inFestor Гуру (3688) 3 месяца назад
Кастую бан любимый мой
Joseph Гений (68714) 3 месяца назад
Read the sentences. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions.
  1. People always give and get presents on New Year’s Day. They hide them under the Christmas tree.
  2. There are no clouds in the sky at night.
  3. We are going to the cinema on Friday in the evening.
  4. There is a big garden behind the house with a high fence around it.
  5. There were a lot of cars on the road, and we got stuck at the traffic lights.
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