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Английский язык. я не понимаю чо тут делать, помогите пожалуйста

Црцры Рфглфлфтофова Ученик (170), закрыт 2 месяца назад
Ex. 1 Read the text and complete the gaps with the given words.
hothead, quarrelsome, cat, cruel, traits, character, honest, clumsy
People are different not only in appearance, but also in character __________. There are people who have inner beauty. It’s nice to talk to them. There are people who have a bad __________. There are negative and positive character traits. My friend is a good person. He has many positive traits of character. He is smart, __________, friendly, attentive and good-natured.
People say, “nobody is perfect”. And my friend is not an exception. He is very shy and __________. He lacks self-confidence. That’s why almost no one knows his good side of character. I want to help him, but I don’t know how.
There are also hotheads. They are quick-tempered. My father is a __________. My mother's character is completely opposite. She is kind. She can hear and understand.
I know a bully person. This is my sister. We always argue. She is __________, impatient and intolerant. The mother says that we behave like a _________ and a dog.
I like smart people. They know a lot. My classmate Meg is smart. She likes English and helps me with my homework. I don’t like __________ people. Unfortunately, there are lots of cruel people in the world.

New words

hothead, quick-tempered – вспыльчивый
quarrelsome – сварливый
cruel – жестокий
traits – черты (характера)
character – характер
honest – честный
clumsy – неуклюжий
friendly – дружелюбный
attentive – внимательный
good-natured – добродушный
shy – стеснительный
kind – добрый
bully – хулиганистый
impatient – нетерпеливый
smart - умный
outgoing – общительный

Ex. 2 Solve the crossword puzzle.
1.​Listening carefully.
2.​Behaving in a pleasant, kind way towards someone.
3.​Generous, helpful, and thinking about other people's feelings.
4.​Often has accidents because a person does not behave in a careful, controlled way.
5.​Easily annoyed by someone's mistakes or because you have to wait.
6.​Nervous and uncomfortable with other people.
7.​Friendly and energetic and finding it easy and enjoyable to be with others.
8.​Someone who hurts or frightens someone else, often over a period of time, and often forcing them to do something that they do not want to do.
9.​Telling the truth or able to be trusted and not likely to steal, cheat, or lie.
10.​ Intelligent, or able to think quickly or intelligently in difficult situations.
Лучший ответ
дададда Профи (908) 3 месяца назад
ты чем слушал на уроках? Тут надо местоимения глагол she и так далее
Црцры РфглфлфтофоваУченик (170) 3 месяца назад
меня не было на уроке
дададда Профи (908) Црцры Рфглфлфтофова, почитай про местоимения, глаголы, по типу she и тд и думай вывод
Остальные ответы
Vadim Serdyukov Мыслитель (8535) 3 месяца назад
Пример 1. Прочитайте текст и заполните пробелы заданными словами.
вспыльчивый, сварливый, кошачий, жестокий, черты характера, честный, неуклюжий

Пример 2. Решите кроссворд.

В общем вполне обычные задания - такие по русскому языку бывают - вставьте слово взамен пустого места и заполните кроссворд словами - ответами.
Joseph Гений (68673) 3 месяца назад
Ex. 1 Read the text and complete the gaps with the given words.
hothead, quarrelsome, cat, cruel, traits, character, honest, clumsy

People are different not only in appearance, but also in character traits. There are people who have inner beauty. It’s nice to talk to them. There are people who have bad character. There are negative and positive character traits. My friend is a good person. He has many positive traits of character. He is smart, honest, friendly, attentive, and good-natured.
People say, “nobody is perfect”. And my friend is not an exception. He is very shy and clumsy. He lacks self-confidence. That’s why almost no one knows his good side of character. I want to help him, but I don’t know how.
There are also hotheads. They are quick-tempered. My father is a hothead. My mother's character is completely opposite. She is kind. She can hear and understand.
I know a bully person. This is my sister. We always argue. She is quarrelsome, impatient, and intolerant. The mother says that we behave like a cat and a dog.
I like smart people. They know a lot. My classmate Meg is smart. She likes English and helps me with my homework. I don’t like cruel people. Unfortunately, there are lots of cruel people in the world.
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