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Помогите написать сочинение по английскому языку по теме письмо другу о своей семье

Алим Фазылов Ученик (53), на голосовании 2 дня назад
Мне надо сочинение письмо другу о моей семье я парень и письмо тоже парню, от 100 до 150 слов
Дополнен 1 месяц назад
можно на русском я сам переведу
Голосование за лучший ответ
metroavtobus glovus Ученик (245) 1 месяц назад
Hi, My name is: (имя). I'm old (сколько тебе лет) My mother name: (имя мамы). My father Name: (имя папы)

From (твоё имя) To (имя получателя)

подкоректируй, я особо не знаю английский
Сим Ка Гуру (2845) 1 месяц назад
Dear кто там у тебя
Hi! How are you? I hope everything is going well with you. I wanted to tell you a bit about my family.
I live with my parents and my younger sister. My dad works as an engineer, and my mom is a teacher. They are both very supportive and always encourage me to do my best. My sister, Anna, is 10 years old and loves to play the piano. We often play together, and it’s a lot of fun.
We also have a dog named Max. He is very playful and loves to go for walks in the park. On weekends, we usually spend time together as a family, either going on trips or just relaxing at home.
I would love to hear more about your family too. Write back when you can!
Best wishes,
Свое имя тут
Май Знаток (291) 1 месяц назад
Состав семьи не описан, удали, что не надо – братья, сестры и так далее.

My Family

Hello! It's been awhile since we last spoke! I didn't tell you about my family before, so here I am.

My mom's name is ____. She is very caring and always makes sure we are happy and safe. She loves cooking delicious meals for us and helps me with my homework.

My dad's name is ____. He is funny and teaches me many things, like how to ride a bike and play sports. We often play football together in the park on weekends.

My brother, ____, is ____ years old. He likes playing video games with me. My sister, ____, is ____ years old. She loves to read and is very smart.

We have a lot of fun together. I love my family very much, and I am grateful for every moment we share!

Waiting for your response. Would be great if you'd write an answer about your family.

Dasha Nspieo Ученик (174) 1 месяц назад
Конечно, вот черновик:

Dear [Имя друга],

How are you doing? I hope you're having a great time. I wanted to write to you and tell you a bit about my family.

My family is a bit unusual, I guess. We're a [количество членов семьи] family. There's my [мать/отец] [ее/его имя], [ее/его профессия], and [мать/отец] [ее/его имя], [ее/его профессия]. We also have [количество братьев/сестер], [их имена и что они делают].

[Мать/отец] is [описание матери/отца] and [мать/отец] is [описание матери/отца]. They [действие, которое они делают вместе]. My siblings and I [действие, которое вы делаете вместе]. We're all really close, and we love to spend time together.

[Рассказ о любимом семейном ритуале или традиции]

I'm really lucky to have such a great family. They always support me and make me laugh. I love them very much.

How about your family? Tell me all about them. I'm eager to hear!

Write back soon,
[Ваше имя]
max Мыслитель (7594) 1 месяц назад
Subject: My Family

Dear [Friend's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well! I wanted to share a bit about my family with you.

I live with my parents and my younger sister in a small house. My dad works as an engineer, and he loves his job. He often brings home interesting projects to show us. My mom is a teacher, and she is passionate about helping her students learn. She always encourages me to do my best in school too.

My sister is 10 years old and is full of energy. She loves playing football and has recently joined a local team. We often play together in the park during weekends, which is a lot of fun.

We try to have family dinners every Sunday, where we share stories and enjoy home-cooked meals. Family means a lot to me, and I’m grateful for all the support we give each other.

I’d love to hear about your family too!

Best wishes,

[Your Name]
Дроид Просветленный (21046) 1 месяц назад
так всё сложно ....
сам напиши
Алексей Кузнецов Ученик (177) 3 дня назад
halol my fish is mother when eat meat is vegetable.
Im (возраст) going to press (Имя) for kicking and rap battling.

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