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Руслан Бакарев Ученик (68), открыт 3 недели назад
1. Regulations prescribe waste treatment in such case.
2. The Monitoring Programme has allowed the usage of an inter-laboratory
testing scheme.
3. You can make comments on each section of the chart.
4. The introduction of this invention into practice required much effort from
the engineers.
5. Acid rains are badly damaging the forests.
6. With your permission we will use this new vehicle in the field work.
7. People have converted solar energy into electricity for some time already.
8. The rodents had destroyed the root system of the garden plants before the
owners found the solution of the problem.
9. When the heavy rain started the workers were harvesting the wood.
10. The Ministerial Conference was approving the measures which were to help
in the protection of rain forests.
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