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Артёма Строганов Строганов Ученик (98), закрыт 2 месяца назад
mum and dad brought a small kitten at home last monday надо сделать вопросы с who ,where, why when ,how ,what и обычный с did
Лучший ответ
ВАдим Тагиров Гуру (2610) 3 месяца назад
Where did mum and dad get the small kitten from?
Why did mum and dad decide to bring a kitten home last Monday?
When did mum and dad bring the small kitten home?
How did mum and dad choose the small kitten to bring home?
What is the small kitten's name?
Остальные ответы
Мишка Фреде знает Просветленный (39796) 3 месяца назад
Who brought a small kitten at home last Monday?
Where mum and dad brought a little kitten last Monday?
Why mum and dad brought a small kitten at home last Monday?
When mum and dad brought a small kitten at home?
How mum and dad brought a small kitten at home last Monday?
What mum and dad brought at home last Monday?
Did mum and dad bring a small kitten at home last Monday?

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