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Машулька Саурина Ученик (104), открыт 1 день назад
7 Choose the right answer.
1. I am so glad to see you! I _ you for ages!
a) don't see
b) am not seeing
c) haven't seen
d) haven't been seeing
2. The sun _ in the East.
a) rises
b) is rising
c) has risen
d) has been rising
3. Stop it! You
a) always complain
b) are always complaining
c) have always complained
d) have been always complaining
4. He _ a car. Now he can drive to work.
a) buys
b) is buying
c) has bought
d) has been buying
5. They _ for several hours. They need a rest.
a) work
c) have worked
b) are working
d) have been working
6. I _ what you are saying.
a) don't understand
c) haven't understood
b) am not understanding
d) haven't been understanding
7. Kate is so pale! She _ in front of the computer for 4 hours!
a) sits
c) has sat
b) is sitting
d) has been sitting
8. Don't disturb him. He _ a course paper.
a) writes
c) has written
b) is writing
d) has been writing
9. Jack _ this factory for 15 years.
a) owns
b) is owning
c) has owned
d) has
been owning
10. I often _ to the dacha. I like it there.
a) go
c) have gone
b) am going
d) have been going
3 ответа
Ольга Ольга Мастер (1158) 1 день назад
c) haven't seen
a) rises
b) are always complaining
c) has bought
d) have been working
a) don't understand
d) has been sitting
b) is writing
c) has owned
d) have been going
Машулька СауринаУченик (104) 1 день назад
спасибо огромное ??
Влад Викторов Гуру (3304) 1 день назад
Let's go through each sentence and choose the right answer:

1. c) haven't seen - This is the correct choice because the sentence implies a period of time that has passed since the speaker last saw the person. The present perfect tense ("haven't seen") is used to express an action that started in the past and continues to the present.
2. a) rises - This is a fact about the sun, and we use the simple present tense for facts and general truths.
3. b) are always complaining - The sentence describes a repeated action that is annoying. We use the present continuous tense with "always" to express this.
4. c) has bought - The sentence describes an action that happened in the past and has a result in the present (he can now drive). The present perfect tense is used to express this.
5. d) have been working - The sentence describes an action that started in the past and continues to the present. We use the present perfect continuous tense to express this.
6. a) don't understand - The sentence describes a current situation where the speaker doesn't understand. We use the simple present tense for this.
7. d) has been sitting - The sentence describes an action that started in the past and continues to the present. The present perfect continuous tense is used to express this.
8. b) is writing - The sentence describes an action happening at the present moment. The present continuous tense is used for this.
9. c) has owned - The sentence describes an action that started in the past and continues to the present. The present perfect tense is used to express this.
10. a) go - The sentence describes a repeated action in the present. We use the simple present tense for this.
Машулька СауринаУченик (104) 1 день назад
спасибо ??
Влад Викторов Гуру (3304) Машулька Саурина, незачто )
Nadya F Искусственный Интеллект (153566) 19 часов назад
Choose the right answer.
1. I am so glad to see you! I _ you for ages!
a) don't see
b) am not seeing
c) haven't seen +
d) haven't been seeing
2. The sun _ in the East.
a) rises +
b) is rising
c) has risen
d) has been rising
3. Stop it! You
a) always complain
b) are always complaining +
c) have always complained
d) have been always complaining
4. He _ a car. Now he can drive to work.
a) buys
b) is buying
c) has bought +
d) has been buying
5. They _ for several hours. They need a rest.
a) work
c) have worked
b) are working
d) have been working+
6. I _ what you are saying.
a) don't understand +
c) haven't understood
b) am not understanding
d) haven't been understanding
7. Kate is so pale! She _ in front of the computer for 4 hours!
a) sits
c) has sat
b) is sitting
d) has been sitting +
8. Don't disturb him. He _ a course paper.
a) writes
c) has written
b) is writing +
d) has been writing
9. Jack _ this factory for 15 years.
a) owns
b) is owning
c) has owned +
d) has
been owning
10. I often _ to the dacha. I like it there.
a) go +
c) have gone
b) am going
d) have been going
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