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ЗАдание по английскому языку

Оля Ерисова Ученик (75), открыт 3 недели назад
Заполните пропуски словами из скобок, используя SecondConditional.

Example: If I didn’t have to (not have to) work tomorrow, I ’d go out (go out) tonight.

1 If they _______________ (have) enough money, they _______________ (buy) a new car.

2 We _______________ (travel) around India if we _______________ (not have) young children.

3 Mia’s parents _______________ (be) disappointed if she _______________ (not do) well at university.

4 You _______________ (get) better marks if you _______________ (work) harder.

5 If I _______________ (be) you, I _______________ (stop) smoking.

6 Kwasi _______________ (not get) lost if he _______________ (use) the satnav in his car.

7 We _______________ (lose) weight if we _______________ (stop) eating chocolate.

8 If I _______________ (see) a snake in my house, I _______________ (scream) for help!
2 ответа
Jun Wu Мастер (1879) 3 недели назад
1. If they had enough money, they would buy a new car.

2. We would travel around India if we didn’t have young children.

3. Mia’s parents would be disappointed if she didn’t do well at university.

4. You would get better marks if you worked harder.

5. If I were you, I would stop smoking.

6. Kwasi wouldn’t get lost if he used the satnav in his car.

7. We would lose weight if we stopped eating chocolate.

8. If I saw a snake in my house, I would scream for help!
Сухачев Мудрец (11622) 3 недели назад
If they had enough money, they would buy a new car.
We would travel around India if we didn’t have young children.
Mia’s parents would be disappointed if she didn’t do well at university.
You would get better marks if you worked harder.
If I were you, I would stop smoking.
Kwasi wouldn’t get lost if he used the satnav in his car.
We would lose weight if we stopped eating chocolate.
If I saw a snake in my house, I would scream for help!
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