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Помогите с английским задание дали

Иван Васильев Знаток (396), закрыт 3 недели назад
2.2 Put the verb into the correct form.
1) Julie doesn’t drunk (not / drink) tea very often.
2) What time ........ .. (the banks / close) here?
3) I've got a car, but I .... . (not / use) it much.
4) 'Where (Ricardo / come) from?' 'From Cuba.'
5) ‘What (you/do)?' Tm an electrician.'
6) It ........ ... (take) me an hour to get to work. How long
.....................................................(it / take) you?
7)Look at this sentence. What (this word / mean)?
8) David isn't very fit. He (not / do) any sport.

2.5 Complete using the following:
I apologise I insist I promise I recommend 4 suggest
1. Mr Evans is not in the office today. I suggest you try calling him tomorrow.
2. I won't tell anybody what you said.... .
3. (in a restaurant) You must let me pay for the meal .
4. for what I did. It won't happen again.
5. The new restaurant in Hill Street is very good...................................... it.
Лучший ответ
Захар Баландин Знаток (481) 3 недели назад
  1. drink
  2. do banks close here
  3. dont
  4. does ricardo come from
  5. do you do
  6. took; it took
  7. does this word mean
  8. doesnt do

  1. I suggest
  2. I promise
  3. I insist
  4. I apologise
  5. I recommend
Иван ВасильевЗнаток (396) 3 недели назад
Это правильно то что ты написал?
Остальные ответы
Александр Колосов Ученик (106) 3 недели назад
странная фигня, непонятно что
роза с шипами Мыслитель (7906) 3 недели назад
почему вы такие безрукие?! я в школе на первой парте списывала перед носом препода, а вы это решить не можете
Иван ВасильевЗнаток (396) 3 недели назад
Ну раз знаешь напиши
роза с шипами Мыслитель (7906) Иван Васильев, иди преподу это скажи, умник
Артём АгафоновЗнаток (271) 3 недели назад
вот именно, что списывала, а нужно своей башкой думать
роза с шипами Мыслитель (7906) Артём Агафонов, а ты чужой умеешь? ну-ка-ну-ка, научи нас
Joseph Гений (66517) 3 недели назад
2.2 Put the verb into the correct form.
1) Julie doesn’t drink tea very often.
2) What time do the banks close here?
3) I've got a car, but I do not use it much.
4) 'Where does Ricardo come from?' 'From Cuba.'
5) ‘What do you do?' Tm an electrician.'
6) It takes me an hour to get to work. How long does it take you?
7) Look at this sentence. What does this word mean?
8) David isn't very fit. He does not do any sport.

2.5 Complete using the following:
I apologise I insist I promise I recommend 4 suggest
1. Mr Evans is not in the office today. I suggest you try calling him tomorrow.
2. I won't tell anybody what you said. I promise.
3. (in a restaurant) You must let me pay for the meal. I insist.
4. I apologise for what I did. It won't happen again.
5. The new restaurant in Hill Street is very good. I recommend it.
Иван ВасильевЗнаток (396) 3 недели назад
Это верно?
JosephГений (66517) 3 недели назад
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