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Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given.

bazapodsnejniktrava2004 Ученик (120), открыт 1 неделю назад
Complete the second sentence so that it has
a similar meaning to the first, using the
word given. Use between two and five
1 Luke’s new job is more challenging than his
previous one.
AS Luke’s new job is not as challenging as
his previous one.
2 Chris is the most selfish person I’ve ever met.
MORE I’ve never met anyone .....................
............................................... Chris.
3 As Lucy gets older, she becomes more responsible.
THE The ..................................................
................ responsible she becomes.
4 Yesterday she felt more stressed than ever before.
AS She had ...........................................
............................ she did yesterday.
5 I hadn't expected the lecture to be so interesting.
MORE The lecture ......................................
................................ I had expected.
6 Couldn’t you do anything more to help him?
MOST Was that ..........................................
.................................... to help him?
7 Patrick isn't as cooperative as Jason.
THAN Jason ...............................................
............................................ Patrick.
8 To my mind, there’s no other place on Earth
that is more beautiful than Ireland.
IN To my mind, Ireland is .....................
....................................... the world.
1 ответ
Сухачев Мудрец (11411) 1 неделю назад
I’ve never met anyone more selfish than Chris.
The older Lucy gets, the more responsible she becomes.
She had never felt as stressed as she did yesterday.
The lecture was more interesting than I had expected.
Was that the most you could do to help him?
Jason is more cooperative than Patrick.
To my mind, Ireland is the most beautiful place in the world.
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