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Паьвь Оылв Ученик (158), открыт 6 дней назад
At present, there exist two very influential editions in the sphere of economics, finance and business. These are The Economist and The Wall Street Journal.
The Economist is a weekly magazine of news and opinion published in London and generally regarded as one of the world’s outstanding journals of its kind. Despite its name, it gives excellent and wide-ranging coverage of general news and particularly of international political developments and prospects bearing on the world’s economy.
The Economist founded in 1843 The magazine’s articles are directed primarily toward business executives and investors, but it is widely read by others, including Cabinet members of most governments.
The magazine’s writing is consistently bright, and its editorial position is moderately to the left. It features articles on political and economic developments in other countries and in the world at large nearly as frequently as it does those in the United Kingdom.
The Wall Street Journal is a daily newspaper published in New York City and in four regional editions printed in 10 plants across the United States to which its content and makeup are transmitted via satellite.
The Wall Street Journal is the most influential business-oriented newspaper in the country and one of the most respected daily papers in the world.
The Wall Street Journal was founded in 1889 by Charles H. Dow, of Dow Jones & Company, primarily to cover business and financial news. The first issue was published on the 8th of July of that year.
The newspaper’s accuracy and the breadth and detail of its coverage won it
respect and success from the start.
From its founding until early in the Great Depression, The Wall Street Journal rarely ventured outside of business and economic news. Then, however, it began to carry occasional feature articles on other subjects. After World War II this trend increased, and by the 1960s the newspaper regularly carried two feature articles on page one that only occasionally addressed business subjects, and then in a whimsical or amusing way.
The JournaTs editorial page and a facing opinion page offer a wide range of highly informed business, political, and economic opinion; readers’ letters; and reviews and comments on the arts.
The long-established structure of the newspaper includes complete tables reporting all financial and stock-market activity for the preceding day as well a thorough reports and analyses of business topics of the day.
Published Monday through Friday, The Wall Street Journal has the highest daily circulation of any national newspaper in the United States.

Notes and Commentary
breadth (n) — capacity to respect other opinions; freedom from prejudice or
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Two influential publications in economics and finance are The Economist and The Wall Street Journal. The Economist, a weekly magazine founded in 1843, covers a wide range of topics, including international political developments, and is aimed at business executives and investors. The Wall Street Journal, established in 1889, is a daily newspaper known for its comprehensive coverage of business and financial news, as well as feature articles on various subjects. Both publications are highly respected for their accuracy and insightful commentary on political and economic issues. The Wall Street Journal has the highest daily circulation of any national newspaper in the U.S.
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