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siv gffgf Ученик (90), на голосовании 3 недели назад
Task 5 (20 points).

Как выполнять творческие задания

Write your own examples with the given relative pronouns / adverbs.

Example: 0. who – This is the girl who always wears glasses.

who ____________________________________________________________
that _____________________________________________________________
whose ___________________________________________________________
where ___________________________________________________________
when ____________________________________________________________
Голосование за лучший ответ
Oni Yze Zdes Гуру (4376) 1 месяц назад
1. **who** – This is the teacher who inspires all her students.
2. **that** – I have a book that I borrowed from the library.
3. **whose** – This is the artist whose paintings are displayed in the gallery.
4. **where** – This is the café where we first met.
5. **when** – I remember the day when we went to the beach together.
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