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Помогите пж с английским

Трубочки Ученик (171), закрыт 2 недели назад
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mathew Мыслитель (5751) 2 месяца назад
1. I did my exam, but it was hard, but I studied hard.
2. He is proud of his sister because she won at his school.
3. We still have time together, how we enjoy different hobbies.
4. My brother is very patient when I ride my bike.
5. He interrupt me talking to the project about.
6. I am not while my friend do fix my computer.
7. I have problems to help it now.
8. It is important to share feelings with your friends.
9. I can have that in my private closet to tell only secrets.
10. My favourite book has many interesting and exciting adventures, characters.
11. I love showing my drawings and animals to my family.
12. I make beautiful paintings when I visit that gallery.
13. I feel happy in my bedroom because it is small, but it is tidy and has art.
14. That radio gives a nice song feeling to me when I listen it while playing.
15. I play tennis with every friend on Saturday in my park.
16. My dad loves to watch football matches with us so we spend weekend together.
17. The teacher encourages us to explore and read books.
18. It is important to take things seriously when we do homework.
19. I relax watching TV on after day because I like shows.
20. I have a competitive spirit because everyone wants to win in our school games.
ТрубочкиУченик (171) 2 месяца назад
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