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Помогите а с инглишом плз

-AVANTES- Профи (564), на голосовании 2 недели назад
Голосование за лучший ответ
Settler Знаток (364) 1 месяц назад
Доверяй, но проверяй:
  1. Catherine is looking for a new house because her flat is far too small.
  2. I look up to my Mathematics teacher, she's great!
  3. "Could you look through my report and tell me if you think it's OK?"
  4. Ken is looking for his keys because he lost them last night.
  5. "Don't look down on Richard; he's as good as you are!"
  6. In this business, it's very difficult to look ahead and predict what will happen.
  7. I am looking forward to seeing you next week.
  8. Peter asked me to look after his cat while he was away.
  9. If you look back over the last five years, you can see many times when you were successful.
  10. The police is looking into Mr. Smith's missing money.
  11. Frank didn't know the meaning of the word so he looked it up in the dictionary.
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