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Мне надо для мальчиков плиз

Toxi Pletenskaya Ученик (24), на голосовании 2 недели назад
написать электронное письмо английскому другу по переписке
о твоём посещении Лондонского Тауэра с опорой на текст на
с. 31 (80-100 слов) пишут мальчики
- написать электронное письмо английскому другу по переписке
об охранниках Тауэра с опорой на текст на с.31 (80-100 слов)
пишут девочки
Голосование за лучший ответ
Settler Знаток (364) 1 месяц назад
Ввиду отсутствия материала "с опорой на текст" которого надо было написать - будет фантазия:

Вариант для мальчиков:

Subject: Tower of London - You wouldn't believe this place!

Hey John,

Just got back from the Tower of London. What a crazy place! Saw all the Crown Jewels, tons of old weapons and armor. They even have a torture exhibit, pretty creepy stuff. It's really old, built by William the Conqueror, can you believe it? I climbed up to the top of the White Tower, amazing view from up there. You can even see Tower Bridge. You have to see this place when you come to London, it's incredible.

Talk soon,


Вариант для девочек:

Subject: Tower of London - The Beefeaters are so cool!

Hi Emily,

You won't believe who I met today! I went to the Tower of London and saw the Beefeaters. They're the guards who look after the Tower and they wear these awesome red and black uniforms. They're really friendly and told me all sorts of stories about the Tower's history. They even let me take a picture with them! Apparently, they've been guarding the Tower for hundreds of years. It's so cool that some traditions still exist.

Can't wait to tell you more when we chat next.


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