1 месяц назад
1) Her husband usually travels to work by tube
Does her husband usually travel to work by tube?
Her husband doesn't usually travel to work by tube
2) freezes
Does water freeze at 0 degree below zero?
Water doesn't freeze at 0 degree below zero
3) are going
Are my sisters going to shopping now?
My sisters aren't going to shopping now
4) is having
Is our family having breakfast at the moment?
Our family isn't having breakfast at the moment
5) run
Do good businessmen always run their businesses well?
Good businessmen don't always run their businesses well.
1) quarter past ten a.m
2) twenty minutes to ten p.m
3) ten minutes past eight a.m
4) twenty-five minutes to eleven p.m
5) five minutes past six p.m
6) ten minutes to five a.m