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Не зайти в фортнайт

Заец Михаил Знаток (298), на голосовании 1 неделю назад
Включаю фортнайт, включается EAC, дальше он исчезает и обратно появляется эпик геймс
[19:48:15:679] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] Loaded the following settings .json file: 'C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Fortnite\FortniteGame\Binaries\Win64\EasyAntiCheat\Settings.json'
[19:48:15:679] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] Provided settings:
[19:48:15:679] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] - ProcessTitle: Fortnite.
[19:48:15:679] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] - ExecutablePath: FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe.
[19:48:15:679] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] - ProductId: prod-fn.
[19:48:15:679] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] - SandboxId: fn.
[19:48:15:679] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] - DeploymentId: 62a9473a2dca46b29ccf17577fcf42d7.
[19:48:15:679] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] - RequestedSplashScreen: EasyAntiCheat/SplashScreen.png.
[19:48:15:679] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] - WaitForGameProcessExit: true.
[19:48:15:679] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] - HideGUI: false.
[19:48:15:679] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] - HideBootstrapper: false.
[19:48:15:736] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] Embedded resources successfully loaded.
[19:48:15:738] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] Will use the icon extracted from the game executable.
[19:48:15:738] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] Making the bootstrapper window visible to display information about an occurred error.
[19:48:17:228] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] Loader initializing with bootstrapper version 1.8.0.
[19:48:17:449] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] Loader component initialized.
[19:48:17:461] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] [Connection] Connecting to URL: (Тут я ссылку убрал)
[19:48:17:465] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] Current progress: 0 (0/0). (таких строк еще было штук 10)

[19:48:17:700] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] [Connection] Connect result: No error (0) Response Code: 304 Destination IP:
[19:48:17:700] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] No update needed.
[19:48:17:700] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] Current progress: 100 (1/1).
[19:49:10:183] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] Launcher finished with: 301, 'Служба Easy Anti-Cheat загружена в игре'.
[19:49:10:183] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] Successfully initialized the Easy Anti-Cheat service, waiting for game window to become visible.
[19:49:10:183] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] Making the bootstrapper window visible to display information about an occurred error.
[19:49:10:183] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] Unlocking the launch lock, allowing next game to launch to take place.
[19:49:32:049] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Err!] Fatal error, game process handle: 0000000000000754, exit code: 3221225501.
[19:49:32:059] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] Downloaded 1 bytes in 1949 ms (0.00 KB/s)
[19:49:32:059] [Windows] [EAC Launcher] [Info] Waiting for game process to exit, will return exit code upon termination.
Голосование за лучший ответ
tgdrfbtt dfgdgfdf Ученик (163) 1 месяц назад
Заец МихаилЗнаток (298) 1 месяц назад
Удалил, переустановил, 3 раза переустановил систему
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