1 месяц назад
Вот возможные варианты для заполнения полей:
1. dish **aerial** access
2. to be connected **via** information
3. electromagnetic **interference** through
4. worldwide **information** markup language
5. wide area **network** information
6. to get **access** via
7. hypertext **markup language**
8. to navigate **through** interference
9. up-to-date **information** network
10. to get **information** aerial
11. smart **card** card
Проверь контекст, может что-то нужно поменять местами.
1. dish ...........................................access
2. to be connected .........................information
3. electromagnetic .........................through
4. worldwide ..................................markup language
5. wide area ....................................information
6. to get … .....................................via
7. hypertext ...................................communications
8. to navigate .................................interference
9. up-to-date ..................................network
10. to get ........................................aerial
11. smart …………………………card