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Срочно нужна помощь с Английским

гуля лувсан Знаток (451), на голосовании 6 дней назад
Пример:never wash my car myself. - I never have my car washed.
Нужно изменить предложения
1. I will make dresses and blouses myself.
1 I have dresses and blouses made
2. Cathie cuts her hair short.
3. We paint doors and windows every year.
4. Eve is cooking three meals for dinner.
5. I dry-cleaned my clothes last week.
6. He never repairs the furniture.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Keishy Morson Профи (644) 1 месяц назад
1. I sew dresses and blouses
2. Cathie gets her hair cut short
3. Даже не знаю как поменять
4. Eva will cook three dishes for dinner
5. My clothes were dry-cleaned a week ago
6. He doesn't fix his furniture
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