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vladislav homutov Ученик (65), на голосовании 6 дней назад
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Fatal Norman Гуру (4670) 1 месяц назад
Let's work on solving the gaps in the reading exercise:

36. "I’m thrilled that you **come** to stay with me for a few days!" - B fits best here to indicate future intention.

37. "There’s **a** fantastic flea market..." - A is correct because it introduces a specific singular thing.

38. "... you’ll find the most amazing things at unbelievably good **bargains**." - B makes sense here to talk about good deals at a flea market.

39. "I’m sure you’ll love the colorful atmosphere and the loud street vendors calling out to you to take a look at their **stalls**." - B fits well, referring to individual selling stands.

40. "Another place we can do our shopping, as well as do something for **charity**." - A fits best here, as Oxfam is a charity shop.

41. "My brother says there’s a good car boot **sale**." - B makes sense as it refers to a market-type event where items are sold from car boots.

42. "... just outside of town every Sunday..." - A is correct because it refers to a specific place to shop.

43. "I’m sure you’ll fill your suitcases with **lots** of new things..." - B fits as it indicates many items.

44. "But you should know that we can only pay **with** cash..." - B is correct, as "with" works grammatically when talking about using cash.

45. "I need to go to the **optician’s** to pick up my new reading glasses." - C is correct, as you visit an optician for glasses.

Final answers:
36. B
37. A
38. B
39. B
40. B
41. A
42. A
43. B
44. B
45. C
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