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Английский. Тест. Помогите пожалуйста с ответами.

Артём Агафонов Знаток (278), на голосовании 10 часов назад
I'm Sam. I live in a big house in London. My parents and my sister live with me. We also have a cat and a dog.
There are two floors in my house. There are bedrooms and bathrooms upstairs. The kitchen and the living room are downstairs. We have a garage for four cars.
My favourite room is my bedroom. I love drawing and there are a lot of pictures on the walls in my room. There is a bed, a desk, a chair, a sofa and a TV in the room. There is a huge closet for all my dresses. My sister watches TV in my room because she doesn't have it.
There is a garden behind our house. There are apple trees and flowers. My sister and I would like to have a swimming pool but our parents don't like the idea.

1.Read the text and match sentences with the pictures:
  1. Read the text again and tick the information that IS mentioned:
  1. Read the text again.Are these statements TRUE or FALSE:
4. Match the words with their definitions:

5.Complete the sentences with the words fro, the text
Дополнен 1 месяц назад
Choose the CORRECT sentences:

Голосование за лучший ответ
konbanwa Искусственный Интеллект (184361) 1 месяц назад
Смотри: на синей полоске есть надпись "Категории". Нажимаешь её и под ней нажимаешь "ДОМАШНИЕ ЗАДАНИЯ". Там тебе всё сделают бесплатно.
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