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Помогите сделать дз по английскому языку

Alexey Rubin Ученик (96), на голосовании 5 дней назад
Голосование за лучший ответ
Мистер Мистерович Гуру (4570) 1 месяц назад

1. When I was in Japan I found everything very different.
2. Two years ago my parents bought a new car.
3. Last summer Peter spent his holidays in a summer camp with his friends.
They went swimming, they played football and golf, they visited many interesting places.
4. My sister got a good job in a bank.
5. Susan and her cousins came to Portugal ten years ago.


1. My sister and her husband came from Greece.
2. I didn't like the U2 concert.
3. My cousin phoned from France yesterday evening.
4. On Monday Johann went to school on foot.
5. Did they leave the country last Saturday?
6. Did you like the film?
7. They didn't finish the homework yesterday.
8. Did she go to the cinema with her parents last night?
No, she didn't. She stayed at home. She got a cold.
9. We went to Spain by car.
10. I had a wonderful holiday with my family last July.
11. Did you travel to Madrid by car or by plane?
12. Many years ago it was very difficult to live without electricity.
13. Last year they bought a house at the seaside.
14. I met him the day before yesterday.
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