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Контрольная работа.Английский язык

сири Знаток (393), на голосовании 4 дня назад
Перепишите предложения, подчеркните сказуемое в страдательном залоге, определите его вид и время.
1.She was given a computer for her birthday.
2. English is taught at scools and universities.
3.His bike has taken.
4.By next summer the swimming-pool will have been built in this street.
5. The tape- recorder is being fixed now.
6.The lecture on Dickens will be read soon.
7.There were no tickets left when we came. They all had been sold.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Владимир Галат Ученик (107) 1 месяц назад
1. She was given a computer for her birthday. — Ей подарили компьютер на день рождения. (Present Simple Passive)
2. English is taught at schools and universities. — Английский преподаётся в школах и университетах. (Present Simple Passive)
3. His bike has been taken. — Его велосипед забрали. (Present Perfect Passive)
4. By next summer, the swimming pool will have been built in this street. — К следующему лету бассейн будет построен на этой улице. (Future Perfect Passive)
5. The tape recorder is being fixed now. — Магнитофон сейчас ремонтируют. (Present Continuous Passive)
6. The lecture on Dickens will be read soon. — Лекция о Диккенсе скоро будет прочитана. (Future Simple Passive)
7. There were no tickets left when we came. They all had been sold. — Когда мы пришли, билетов уже не осталось. Их все продали. (Present Perfect Passive)
Владимир ГалатУченик (107) 1 месяц назад
- Знаток (369) 1 месяц назад
1. She was given a computer for her birthday.
- Сказуемое: was given
- Вид: простая форма (Simple)
- Время: прошедшее время (Past Simple Passive)

2. English is taught at schools and universities.
- Сказуемое: is taught
- Вид: простая форма (Simple)
- Время: настоящее время (Present Simple Passive)

3. His bike has been taken.
- Сказуемое: has been taken
- Вид: перфектная форма (Perfect)
- Время: настоящее перфектное время (Present Perfect Passive)

4. By next summer the swimming-pool will have been built in this street.
- Сказуемое: will have been built
- Вид: перфектная форма (Perfect)
- Время: будущее перфектное время (Future Perfect Passive)

5. The tape-recorder is being fixed now.
- Сказуемое: is being fixed
- Вид: длительная форма (Continuous)
- Время: настоящее длительное время (Present Continuous Passive)

6. The lecture on Dickens will be read soon.
- Сказуемое: will be read
- Вид: простая форма (Simple)
- Время: будущее время (Future Simple Passive)

7. There were no tickets left when we came. They all had been sold.
- Сказуемое: had been sold
- Вид: перфектная форма (Perfect)
- Время: прошедшее перфектное время (Past Perfect Passive)
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