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Английский 6 класс

Мария Ярова Ученик (96), на голосовании 9 часов назад
Ex 1. Заполнить текст пропусками со словами из списка. Список слов: 1. human 2. ruin 3. produce 4. huge 5. fragile 6. influence The environment is a ________ (1) part of our lives. It provides us with the resources we need to survive, such as air, water, and food. However, our actions can ________ (2) the environment in many ways. For example, pollution from factories can harm the air we breathe and the water we drink. Many species of plants and animals are ________ (3) and can easily disappear if we do not take care of them. Additionally, climate change is a ________ (4) problem that affects the entire planet. It can ________ (5) weather and lead to natural disasters, which can have a serious impact on ________ (6) life. We must work together to protect our environment.
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