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Помогите с англ

Максим Андреев Ученик (88), на голосовании 2 дня назад
Помогите пожалуйста сделать англ
Голосование за лучший ответ
Hey Ученик (110) 1 месяц назад
2) wanted
3) gave
4) left
5) began
6) discovered
7) died
8) took
9) set off
10) survived
11) arrived
Did they leave Spain in 1619? (no, they didnt. they left spain in 1519)
Was the juorney lomg and dangerous? (yes, it was)
Did Magellan discover the Pacific Ocean? (yes, he did)
Did Magellan die with soldiers in battle? (no, he didnt. he died with sailors)
Did a Spanish sailor complete voyage? (yes, he did)
Did the remaining ship reach Spain in 1523? (no, it didnt. It reached Spain in 1522)
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